What are the differences between XSpace & Xmargin?

What are the differences between XSpace & Xmargin?


The XMargin is used to click on coordinates horizontally, for example, 100 pixels to the right or left of specific classifiers such as text or buttons.

OpenBrowser Chrome “Web inputs
Click Text “Clear Inputs” -XMargin -150
Click Text “Display Inputs” -XMargin 150


Let’s say you want to retrieve the text to the right of a specific text using XSpace. However, there’s a significant gap between the text you want to retrieve and the target text. By utilizing the option -XSpace 250, you can effectively retrieve the text.


GetText “Email Address {EmailAddressParam1}” -XSpace 250
GetText “Username {UsernameParam1}” -XSpace 250
GetText “Password {PasswordParam1}” -XSpace 250
GetText “Website {WebsiteParam1}” -XSpace 250
RunCommand “Notepad.exe”
Write {EmailAddressParam1}
SendKeys ENTER
Write {UsernameParam1}
SendKeys ENTER
Write {PasswordParam1}
SendKeys ENTER
Write {WebsiteParam1}