U-xer APIs

If you want to call U-xer functions outside of the U-xer, you may want to use U-xer APIs to achieve that. You can use APIs to integrate U-xer with your other tools.

How to use:

  1. First, get a token using the Login API.
  2. Then use that token to call other APIs.

Complete APIs List and API playground

Most useful APIs are listed below:

Use your email and password to get a token. Then use this token to call other APIs.

POST https://gateway.u-xer.com/api/Auth/login
  "email": "string",
  "password": "string"

Job Run:

GET https://gateway.u-xer.com/api/Job/{id}/run
GET https://gateway.u-xer.com/api/Job/{id}/run/requestid/{requestid}
GET https://gateway.u-xer.com/api/Job/{id}/run/agent/{agentid}
GET https://gateway.u-xer.com/api/Job/{id}/run/requestid/{requestid}/agent/{agentid}

Scenario Run:

GET https://gateway.u-xer.com/api/Scenario/{id}/run
GET https://gateway.u-xer.com/api/Scenario/{id}/run/agent/{agentid}
GET https://gateway.u-xer.com/api/Scenario/{id}/run/requestid/{requestid}
GET https://gateway.u-xer.com/api/Scenario/{id}/run/requestid/{requestid}/agent/{agentid}

Get Result of the execution using request id
POST https://gateway.u-xer.com/api/Execution/search

Here is the API tutorial explaining how you can run a scenario with 3rd party tools


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Just want to share my trick to get answer about APIs.

Download the Uxer API JSON file

Upload to your fav AI service and โ€œchat with documentโ€ in this case, the JSON file.


This is a super smart approach :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing @bukit

Thanks @Zekeriya,

If you have the time, maybe create a chatgpt custom gpt by uploading the U-xer openapi json.

Great for branding and useful for the users as well.

This Makes sense, It should be possible easily ! :slight_smile:

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