Prepare email to be sent in the new outlook?

Please show us how to automate an email in the new outlook.
I usualy use screeshot + add step, screenshot + add step but it gives some issue :slight_smile:
I want to automate email to be sent to two contacts, add subject to the email and text in the body

Hi @birtasflorin , Thanks for the question :slight_smile:

Could you please share a screenshot of the page so I can help? :slight_smile:

So here is the steps. Please remove the comments what pasting it to U-xer.

Click Text “To” -XMargin 20 //This will click 20 pixel left of the “To” which is the place to enter mail adress
Write “test1@test”
SendKeys ENTER
Write “test2@test”
SendKeys ENTER
Click Text “Add a subject”
Write “Here is my subject”
SendKeys TAB //Sendkeys Tab will move cursor to next location on the screen which is Mail body
Write “here is my mail body”
Click Text “Send”

Thank you,
Works like magic!!!

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