Parameter doesn't update -WhenFails continue

The problem

(1) GetText "⚫✶{TotalRating}" -Retry 1 -OcrLang id -WhenFails continue

(2) GetText "⚫ ✶{TotalRating}" -Retry 1 -OcrLang id -WhenFails continue

(3) GetText "⚫ {TotalRating}" -Retry 1 -OcrLang id -WhenFails continue

If (1) success and the rest are failed, {TotalRating} parameter is not usable/empty/overide by fail condition.

My solution

(1) GetText "⚫✶{TotalRating_1}" -Retry 1 -OcrLang id -WhenFails continue

(2) GetText "⚫ ✶{TotalRating_2}" -Retry 1 -OcrLang id -WhenFails continue

(3) GetText "⚫ {TotalRating_3}" -Retry 1 -OcrLang id -WhenFails continue

and the follow up is must follow the whenfails continue above

(1) Write {TotalRating_1} -Retry 1 -OcrLang id -WhenFails continue

(2) Write {TotalRating_2} -Retry 1 -OcrLang id -WhenFails continue

(3) Write {TotalRating_3} -Retry 1 -OcrLang id -WhenFails continue

Proposed solution

{Parameter} should be the default value when step are success and doesn’t change -whenFails continue

Thanks for the detailed explanation! I understand what you mean.

We will need to fix this.

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So today I’m facing with either the website have dynamic script to randomize the star icon, the dot and spacing or… the vision model interpret differently .

There can be spaces between special characters.
There is a difference between what has been shown in the preview, and what can be clicked.

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