Ability to use * (wild card/regex) for GetText

The problem

4.9 (271 Stars) • Discussion (17)

How to get the value of 4.9 , 271 or 17 if all are dynamic?

Proposed solution

Using wild card to get specific value

To get 4.9 = GetText "{rating_parameter} (* Stars) • Discussion (*)"

To get 271 = GetText "* ({star_parameter} Stars) • Discussion (*)"

To get 17 = GetText "* (* Stars) • Discussion ({disc_parameter})"

Hope it make sense.


Yes it makes sense :slight_smile:

1 Like

Could you send the url of the page?

any product listing from tokopedia com

I just had a look and you can double clic on Terjual and use sendkey Shift End and it will select the Terjual , copy ond paste where you need to and then, double clic on star and sendkey Shift End and finaly double clic on Diskusi nd sendkey Shift End.
It will get Terjual 4 rb+ • bintang5 (704 rating) •Diskusi (12)
And dynamic values. After, you can reformat in a notepad using search and replace with nothing and only keep the values you need
I hope you understand my explanation.


Nice workaround, thank you!

I have another workaround, using Page Text Editor chrome extension.

This extension let me “live edit” the website text. Very useful.